Work-in-progress papers in Ancient Philosophy

19 July 2024, online (MS Teams).
Informal event hosted by the Classics-Philosophy reading group.
To get the meeting link, email Alex Long


10.00 Alex Long, “Divine Virtue and Tripartition in Plato’s Timaeus and Laws

10.45 Christos Panayides, “The Sight-Lovers of Republic V and Plato’s Critique of their Ontology”

11.30 break

11. 45 Mehmet Erginel, “Plato on the Pains of Philosophy”

12.30 break

13.30 Julia Pfefferkorn, “Lyric Poetry in Adeimantus’ Speech (Republic 365a4-c6)”

14.15 Yan Tang, “Due Consideration in Confucianism”

All times are UK time (BST).

[Last updated: 23 May 2024]

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