Ethics in Greek rhetoric and poetry

The School of Classics at the University of St Andrews hosted a one-day workshop on the subject of ‘Ethics in Greek poetry and rhetoric’ on Friday 1st February 2013. The event took place in Swallowgate 11 in the School.

Organised by Jon Hesk (


11.00 am Coffee, Welcome and  Introduction

11.20 am Dr Jon Hesk (St Andrews) ‘Vicious Humour and Virtuous Argument in the Attic Orators’.

1.00 pm Buffet Lunch in Classics Library

2.00 pm Prof. Douglas Cairns (Edinburgh)   ‘Ethics, Intertextuality, and Interpretation in Sophocles’ Antigone‘.

3.40 pm Tea/coffee

4.05 pm  Dr Alex Loney (Yale)  ‘An Ethical Hermeneutic of the Odyssey.’

6.00 pm Pub

7.15 pm Dinner at local restaurant.

[Last updated: 7 February 2013]

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